Today I have all day to get things done. I am hoping that I am actually capable of sitting down and doing it. Last minute always seems to suit me so well, the push and absolute need to get things done then, well, it just works.
Yesterday I laid low. I was late to physics again because apparently without rush hour, the 30 bus is incapable of being even marginally on time. So I left my apartment at 20 of 10 am and arrived at school at half past. I could have walk faster (much faster) than that! But I believe in that "as soon as you leave, whatever you are waiting for will come" concept which keeps me tied and waiting to the bus stop and the shuttle stop, despite wisdom to the contrary. So this morning I left my apartment 50 minutes early for class and of course arrive 25 min. early for class. Which I guess is how she blows. Roll with the punches, man, roll with the punches.
I had physics, organic lecture, then physics lab which was fun. I got to play with a motion detector and computer program that maps distance and time and basic simple stuff. It was great because it was completely self contained. No prep, no homework, just the exercise! Hurrah for easy!
I am still deal with my uncle's passing. It hurts. My cousin Hope should be returning home soon. Her girls will be delighted and so will her husband. My aunt will be staying briefly with my parents in Seattle. You just don't plan to spend your life with someone then have it end at 58 without some . . . adjustment? I can't think of a better word. Maybe trauma. All the plans are suddenly different, all the things that were established as normal, all the absolutes.
I found this quote today at google, and enjoyed it. Especially living where I do where everything is some how government, everything!
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan
Haha, that's funny! I'd say I resent that since I work in the public sector but it's so true! :p
Hey Lia -
I, too, am struggling with everything. We've had a rash of deaths lately (Ismael's cousin passed away last night and my old youth paster passed away this morning) and it's a bit hard to process. I know that we'll see Uncle Dan in heaven some day and he'll be ready with bear hug and a candy dish. That's what's been getting me through.
Loving you,
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