Thursday, October 25, 2007

Planner Update!

I bought a new planner for 2008. For those of you who are yawning already, go away. I have used the same type of planner for years. I really like the outline. But I realized a couple of days ago that I need something that can plan by the hour for more hours and my current planner only goes from 8am-5pm. My schedule needs more organization. What I really need is planner with the whole 24hours of the day available to schedule out. But that is not readily available on the market . . . .So I am going to try the "Time:Master" planner, which had the added excitement of being 5 dollars cheaper than my old one. It is bigger but it comes in a nice pattern. You know, I probably should get a PDA, but I keep waiting for them to be cheaper. And the internet access to be cheaper, and basically I want a future version of the Iphone (one with longer battery life) and better network. But I definitely can't afford that.

Net result: I got a new daily planner which I am excited about using.

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