Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today I pick up the pieces after losing my mind yesterday

Today I woke very late (yes, Samantha, I need you as an alarm to get me out the door on time). And missed the first few minutes of biology after running around my apartment and boiling over the coffee I needed to get me going, I realized my organic chem lab manual (for the second time in the semester!) and my umbrella. Luckily my umbrella I found on the bus, properly stowed away in my bag! The lab manual is still at large.

I am freaked out. Some. Alot. I have signed up for biochemistry and organic chemistry and physics for next semester. Hope and pray with me that I can do well. I know it will go quickly because this semester has absolutely flown by. I actually wish it would slow down some!

On a happy note, I seem to have kicked to cold without having really ever gotten the full blown version! My sinus feel pretty clear, no headache, and less post-nasal drip. Good times.

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