Monday, March 31, 2008
Too many lotions
FDR Memorial website
FDR Memorial website from the parks department. Takes you through the momument and explains the ideas surrounding it construction.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
She is the onion queen, young and sweet
So I must admit. In another month I will have lived in DC for a total of 1 year and this is the first time I visited the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. It was amazing. (All the pictures from this particular outing are on the slideshow that is the currently on the right side of your screen.) I had planned on going down to the Mall, almost hitting a couple of tourists and then heading for a longer, harder bike ride on the Mount Vernon trail or up the C and O Canal. However I wimped out at the same time as my camera battery died and I realized despite the fact it was really warm outside (55 degree) and the fact that all the tourists around seemed dressed as though they were in Siberia (I mean, really, yelling at your kid 'cuz he took his gloves off because it was so so cold is excessive). However the wind was blowing and I was riding with thin running shorts on at "high speeds" against the wind. So took lots of pictures and then went grocery shopping. Which was good. I love cereal.
As for the onion queen, I saw them on sale and thought, "Mmmm, sauted onions, good idea." Then I got home and realized I had apparently had a similar thought recently while shopping. Twice. So anyone need two of my three bags of Trader Joe's onions, give me a call. Anyone of the 9 actually onions I own would be pleased to go home with some who will actually be able to use all of them!
Well, on to homework, then taxes. Good times, what can I say. The video is a quick (emphasis on quick) snapshot of the crowds around the Mall for the Cherry Blossom Festival, which started today and brought thousands to town. It really is spectacular to see Capital so adorned.
Friday, March 28, 2008
If my marriage's honeymoon lasts this long
Pray. . . I need the A
I feel . . . better than I have in a little while. I think my Dad was right (yes, I can admit it). Even though I had been giving myself what I thought of as appropriate time for rest, I was still heading for burnout. Hopefully that is staved off for a little while longer. I think the problem has not been lack of "down time." I believe the problem has been identifying activities that are actually quality rest time. I think if I spent more time doing things like really cool bike rides around, and less time vegged out in front of the computer with the Tv on in the background, I would feel better overall. And most likely be a better student. It is hard to get out and about without someone to do it with. As I have become more settled in, I have become less proactive about where I search for relationship. I have been relying on school friends to my everyday interactions. I am looking forward to having work interactions again too, which tend to communicate different ways.
Its funny how you can be lonely and stressed out and anxious, and still be happy and enjoying the quirks of people and the sun and the cherry blossoms. I can't figure out life, or the Lord. That is for sure!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Malia cutter it too close . . . and still survived!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
You know what sucks?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Something arrived in my mailbox
My brain needs a kick in gear. . .
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter is coming, and the box is still waiting
Today Missa and I both woke late and went to the Southpoint Mall to return somethings. I bought sunglasses and a top that was on sale. Tonight we went to a wonderful dinner at a Cuban style restaurant. Now we are watching a movie and some basketball with the Matts and Missa. Its a mellow way to spend Easter break, but I am enjoying different vistas and voices.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Spring is about to spring!
I am incredibly tired. Think this is the first time I have come home fine, and then as I let down from my ride, felt pooped. but it was worth it to be out in the sun. In true Malia style, I did propose two options: study first or bike ride first. Obviously bike riding won out my a long shot. After all, I reasoned to myself, the sun wouldn't stay, the homework would!
The picture is Arlington House, at the National Cemetery. The video is a plane taking off from Reagan National Airport as seen from Gravelly Point park. Everyone and their brother was out in force today. I first rode near the monuments, up the Lincoln. However I realized soon that the place was crawling with tourists would didn't know where they were going except that it uniformly seemed to be in the way of anyone trying to actually get anywhere (like me!). I have never seen quite so many near pedestrian/pedestrian mishaps. Wowser! So I popped over the Memorial Bridge and down to the Mount Vernon trail for several miles. And there were all the native DCers sitting on the banks of the Potomac River, soaking up the sun, staring at the planes taking off, cutting folks off as bikers rather than their usual as car drivers. Lots of families and picnic lunches. It was wonderful to see, especially since on Wisconsin near home I had seen a whole slew of folks wearing their puffer down jackets, black leather gloves, and scarves, as though it weren't close to 65 degrees outside!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Si en retard
Sorry. I am very belated in posting these! Oh well. My week as . . . . been. Monday is another organic chem test. Always a wopper. Hopefully and pray well. I would love to run away again to New York. Which had originally been my plan for this, St. Patrick's day weekend. Samantha is even throwing an Irish party. I guess I must be taking a miss this time. Sorry Samantha! Maybe next year.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Alright, I am playing, ok!
What Malia Means (Malia comments in red) |
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. (I wish that was true. If learning how to quickly master remote controls was a sport, I would win) |
Spring break, break no more
Back to the physics grind. It is good and bad that school is already winding up. A month and a half and then finals . . . (queue scary music).
Monday, March 10, 2008
- GK Chesterton
May I always remember that truth.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Pyrex start kit
On another note, I seem to have come to a crisis of confidence on how to spell "boles." Mixing, eating, etc. Not the game. Its truly sad that I will be forced to look this up.
Well, it been awfully quiet here
Today has followed similar lazy days since Friday. Friday night Hope and I trucked it out of the city to 'burbs via mass transit, enjoying a chance to chat in person and exchange odds and ends of family life. I have to say the day was ended well with a little Shiraz wine which we stopped to pick up as well as some triple cream cheese and fresh bread (which I insisted upon). Saturday I slept in until literally 2pm. I think if Hope hadn't sent the girls down to wake me I might have continued sleeping. The girls and I watched Freaky Friday (the new one with Lindsey Lohan) and made caramel popcorn while Hope and Terry went grocery shopping. It was really fun.
I went to bed early again that night and slept fairly late, but Sunday we did try for some exercise. Ok, only in the direct of the nearest Starbucks, but it was a 2 mile roundtrip walk!
Monday the girls were back into school, and Hope and Terry were at work, so I headed home to enjoy a bike ride in the "unseasonably" warm weather. I was still tired, so yesterday's foray was perfunctory at best. Today I decided to best myself, and ignoring the gray clouds and possible thunderstorms, I set off through Georgetown to the Mount Vernon Trail,
The trail itself is very flat. However the wind had added alot of work, even coming down the "big" Wisconsin hill. So by mile marker 15, I was ready to turn tail and go home. I called Mom and Dad to check in and "share" lunch, turkey and provolone sandwich. Trying to keep the momentum up until home and not take the bus, I wound my way through Foxhall. I never got completely lost, but I was definitely momentarily "misplaced". It added at least a mile to trek home, all of it up hill!
The picture of me and the bike has Roosevelt Island as the background. The bright orange pants are my biking pants and worn in honor of Mom, who I know worries about me being visible to crazy drivers. The wave/bird statue is an often overlooked "Navy and Marine Memorial" which practically inaccessible (totally inaccessible during current construction) just south of Ladybird Johnson Park and Arlington Cemetery. The last picture is the classic looking over the Potomac at the Lincoln Monument to the Washington Monument. I was going to take more pictures of the estates around Foxhall, but it always makes me a bit nervous. They seem rather serious about security. I think I will those pictures for a day when I am with someone else, okay?