Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I love my bike (still!)

It is so wonderful to not have to wait. Or wait and feel silly that I just waited longer than it would take to walk. But wearing a heavy back pack definitely makes going up hill a lot slower and more arduous.

On an unrelated note: this coming Thursday I am flying home for wedding (I am so excited for this event). Ironically, because this weekend is long one, and I am already planning on missing Friday's lectures, it turns out that week will be frightfully low on classroom interaction. Today I had organic chemistry lab, which wound up quickly and relatively painlessly. Tomorrow one of my classes has already been canceled. The net real total of need-to-be-in-class classes are down to two: the organic chemistry (already done with) and biochemistry lab tomorrow. I could almost have skipped the whole week! Man, bummer!

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