Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesdays possible

There is a distinct possibility that I will get to follow around a pediatric gastro-enterology doctor at Georgetown Hospital. I am super excited since that is the exact field that I am thinking of entering (at least this month). Cross your fingers and pray that this will work out long term with my job. Which has not materialized yet. Still waiting for the department of Homeland Security (hereafter known as "the man" or DHS) to get on the ball and determine that I am not : A) dead, B) a major felon, C) linked to the international network of unsavory people. Needless to say, this is a tremendous undertaking considering my super sketchy past (haha). Pray that this moves a little more swiftly. I would like to pay next months rent.

On a distinctly fabulous note, today I bought the America's Test Kitchen Family Baking Cookbook. I am very excited, even though some of the recipes are repeats of the ones in my other complete family cookbook. I can thoroughly recommend the original (its red). It is the best replacement to Betty Crocker's or Better Homes and Garden's ever found. Every recipe is a guaranteed hit and even has pictures and complete explanations that go from simple to extensive, great for the experienced or the never initiated cook. I can't recommend this enough.

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