Thursday, June 19, 2008

Those moments

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
- Kurt Vonnegut

When stress shouldn't be a problem but apparently rules your life? Yuck. I lost my keys today. I found them again too, but for an hour fear ran my stomach. Its ridiculous. All the keys were replaceable. But I was still driving myself nuts. Thank the Lord that the car rental place had them from yesterday. I guess I was so focused on leaving and getting away from the sketchy 5 foot tall high pressure sales guy that I just booked it out of there. All worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

MCAT study continues. I went to Georgetown for class last night instead of Howard and found the smaller class size incredibly helpful. It really increased the interaction available. It will foul up my time schedule a bit in taking the test, but I think I will learn and remember more. The class is older as a whole, so I am thinking that will help as well. More my peer age group.

Samantha is coming down this weekend to look at apartments since she received a job offer this week. I think she is pleased about moving down here, but this job sound high stress. Another teaching job. Hopefully we will all survive. Moving in with her will definitely save us both moving for long term living and make commuting easier for me, but I will miss the family interaction and discount living I am getting at Hope's. Cross your fingers and pray (which ever you do) and hope that this living situation, everything life-related, is the right decision. I still have lots of nerves. Yuck, again.

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