Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tracking devices and other oddities

When I went looking for a site tracker for my blog, I wanted one without one of those obnoxious and depressing counter boxes. You know the ones. "1 people have been to this site." I always look at the really low numbers and feel sad for the writers. But I was curious to see if I was just writing to myself all the time. I try to avoid checking it very often so that I don't go crazy. After all, I am not trying to be the USA Today. Just trying to . . . blog. Journal, think, put it all out there.

Well, yesterday was a red-letter day for "Lia's Life." 56 people saw my blog yesterday (and that doesn't even count me!). Admittedly I posted several entries yesterday (I just couldn't seem to shut myself up!). But apparently talking about the Pope really increased my ratings. Its hilarious! And totally won't last. But still!

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