That I made the bad coffee or that I drank it despite its possible ability to revive people long dead to give them a heart attack properties?
Can you tell I am studying for a test? So close to winding down again. I am definitely feeling the pressing need for employment.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lonely places
Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.
- John le Carre
- John le Carre
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Do you ever. . .
Find yourself actually finishing a multitude of tasks, feel accomplished for a moment, the realize you have been avoiding the actual thing that needs to be done?
Tummy woes . . .
I think the butterflies in my stomach have started eating their way out. Do you think that could be a problem?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
One thing at a time . . . finish line in sight!
I just finished my last physics problem set. Ever! This morning I checked out of organic chemistry lab. In just a few minutes I will finish my last ever organic lab report. I still have a biochem test, final and project, a physics test and final, an organic lab quiz, and an organic chemistry final. I am not done. But to only have a final left in organic really takes a weight off my mind. I think I did not do so well on the test last night. Frankly I did not talk to a single person who walked out feeling like they had solidly done well on that test. UGH! But to put it behind me! Hurrah!
Now playing: Jack Johnson - Belle
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Jack Johnson - Belle
via FoxyTunes
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The pollen count is high when . . .
You leave your windows open in a 7th floor apartment near few trees and the table becomes coated with visibly thick residues. Wiping it took 3 paper towels. Thank heaven for today's rain.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Once and again, life;s little oddities
I was searching for a song called "Rain" by Patty Griffin that I heard on Bones (my new favorite show, at least until I run out of episodes anyway!) and I found the song quickly. Itunes even predict from my searching for "Patty" that "Griffin" was going to be my next word (which borders on creepy and cool at the same time). However while noting that she was also featured on other listing I noticed that the artist was listed on an itunes Essentials list for Thanksgiving dinner. I generally check out these lists since my taste in music varies and changes rapidly. What stunned me about this list was not its presence, since there are "Essentials" lists for everything for a Lazy Sunday the absolute must have Tibetan throat singers. This list was special because it was for a holiday that revolves completely around family and yet it had Explicit songs listed. Family, Thanksgiving, Explicit songs? huh? Anyone else seeing the disconnect there?
The Patty Griffin song is pretty good by the way.
As for me, I am mellowing in my apartment, waiting to do any thinking until it drops below 65 degrees. My building, despite the fact that we have now had several weeks in a row of consistently high temperatures (2-5 degrees higher than average) has still not turned the air conditioning on. In fact, they also haven't turned the heat off. So my cooling system is the two windows wide open and now hoping that not too many people will smoke for much longer. Since I seem to be able to smell quite a bit of it going on! It feels very Rear Window. I expect to see a murder and frankly I think a Grace Kelly character hanging around might add life interest for sure.
All this open window business is lovely. Or would be normally. But apparently my move to the mid-Atlantic region triggered latent allergies. Pretty much everyone has them here, it feels like. And so do I now. Argh! The pollen count quadrupled yesterday and has continued climbing today for already obscenely high. And I can tell you, I feel it! As much as I love my bike and riding around, the combined heat and pollen had me hacking like a life long smoker with emphysema. Hopefully I will get soon at least get that cool sexy raspy voice. I mean, one can hope?
Despite being Friday night, I think I will call it a day. And try to get up early tomorrow and enjoy the early morning rather than late afternoon I usually wake up to. Its supposed to be mid-80's again tomorrow and I want to have my bike ride early enough that I can spend the rest of the afternoon studying. In the library. Where its actually cool. You being forced to leave my apartment windows open in the dead of winter because it was ridiculously hot (the heat was ALWAYS on high) was one thing. I mean, when its 30 degrees outside, you want to come home to an apartment that averages the mid-80 without even trying. But when it a hot Spring, the heat indoors becomes significantly less appealing! (Grumble, grumble, sorry!)
The Patty Griffin song is pretty good by the way.
As for me, I am mellowing in my apartment, waiting to do any thinking until it drops below 65 degrees. My building, despite the fact that we have now had several weeks in a row of consistently high temperatures (2-5 degrees higher than average) has still not turned the air conditioning on. In fact, they also haven't turned the heat off. So my cooling system is the two windows wide open and now hoping that not too many people will smoke for much longer. Since I seem to be able to smell quite a bit of it going on! It feels very Rear Window. I expect to see a murder and frankly I think a Grace Kelly character hanging around might add life interest for sure.
All this open window business is lovely. Or would be normally. But apparently my move to the mid-Atlantic region triggered latent allergies. Pretty much everyone has them here, it feels like. And so do I now. Argh! The pollen count quadrupled yesterday and has continued climbing today for already obscenely high. And I can tell you, I feel it! As much as I love my bike and riding around, the combined heat and pollen had me hacking like a life long smoker with emphysema. Hopefully I will get soon at least get that cool sexy raspy voice. I mean, one can hope?
Despite being Friday night, I think I will call it a day. And try to get up early tomorrow and enjoy the early morning rather than late afternoon I usually wake up to. Its supposed to be mid-80's again tomorrow and I want to have my bike ride early enough that I can spend the rest of the afternoon studying. In the library. Where its actually cool. You being forced to leave my apartment windows open in the dead of winter because it was ridiculously hot (the heat was ALWAYS on high) was one thing. I mean, when its 30 degrees outside, you want to come home to an apartment that averages the mid-80 without even trying. But when it a hot Spring, the heat indoors becomes significantly less appealing! (Grumble, grumble, sorry!)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tracking devices and other oddities
When I went looking for a site tracker for my blog, I wanted one without one of those obnoxious and depressing counter boxes. You know the ones. "1 people have been to this site." I always look at the really low numbers and feel sad for the writers. But I was curious to see if I was just writing to myself all the time. I try to avoid checking it very often so that I don't go crazy. After all, I am not trying to be the USA Today. Just trying to . . . blog. Journal, think, put it all out there.
Well, yesterday was a red-letter day for "Lia's Life." 56 people saw my blog yesterday (and that doesn't even count me!). Admittedly I posted several entries yesterday (I just couldn't seem to shut myself up!). But apparently talking about the Pope really increased my ratings. Its hilarious! And totally won't last. But still!
Well, yesterday was a red-letter day for "Lia's Life." 56 people saw my blog yesterday (and that doesn't even count me!). Admittedly I posted several entries yesterday (I just couldn't seem to shut myself up!). But apparently talking about the Pope really increased my ratings. Its hilarious! And totally won't last. But still!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My new glasses
The Pope, protesters and more
I had realized previously that the Vatican Embassy was ridiculously close to me. But as I sat watching the news I realized I just couldn't not go and try to see something. It was just too random! Especially after I called Dad and said, "so the Pope has arrived." And he replied, "is this part of a joke? Like 'So the Pope walks into a bar. . .'"
There were tickets given to 3 parishes with specifics people to stand on the lawn of the Vatican Embassy. I was definitely in the "bleechers" if you will. The picture of the police and a glimpse of
The Pope has landed
Nope, not joking. He is actually in DC. Seattle got the Dalai Lama. We get the Pope. Pretty cool.
President and Mrs. Bush met him and people started sing Happy Birthday. Its tomorrow. He may not be my favorite Pope, but it is still really cool. I wanted to see the Papal mass in person. Unfortunately I didn't want to start waiting at 5am by myself and no one else was willing to risk the Georgetown student lottery for tickets. It sounds as though he will actually be visiting Catholic University. Silly Pope, Georgetown is the first Catholic University in the United States. Ah well.
President and Mrs. Bush met him and people started sing Happy Birthday. Its tomorrow. He may not be my favorite Pope, but it is still really cool. I wanted to see the Papal mass in person. Unfortunately I didn't want to start waiting at 5am by myself and no one else was willing to risk the Georgetown student lottery for tickets. It sounds as though he will actually be visiting Catholic University. Silly Pope, Georgetown is the first Catholic University in the United States. Ah well.
Zantac is great!
I just discovered the longer term acid blockers. I actually don't know which one is which just yet. (I got a free sample of something) and decided to try it in desperation last night after Tums galore and even some fizzies. This actually makes it really bearable.
Oh and I thought my physic homework I started last night was the right one. But oops, nope, that is next weeks. I figured it out about an hour and half ago and just punched that sucker out. I am done!! Hurrah. I even played some computer games, did some organic chemistry problems and ate lunch rather early. Malia's on her game today! Gosh do I wish I could manage this everyday. The ironic thing is that I spent most of my night last night fight for any small scrap of sleep I could get and I am exhausted!
Thank you Lord for adreniline keeping us going.
For those of you counting down until I come back to Seattle, yes it is getting obscenely close. For those that are counting until the wedding (nominally the reason I am coming home) stop it Robin! You are not allowed to count anymore! Yes, you will beat me out of singlehood. But not yet, my friend. Not yet (insert evil laugh). For those counting down until I am done with Georgetown (my mother and father), my last final is May 7. After that, its good bye.
Happy and sad times. It will be happier when I have a certain job!
Oh and I thought my physic homework I started last night was the right one. But oops, nope, that is next weeks. I figured it out about an hour and half ago and just punched that sucker out. I am done!! Hurrah. I even played some computer games, did some organic chemistry problems and ate lunch rather early. Malia's on her game today! Gosh do I wish I could manage this everyday. The ironic thing is that I spent most of my night last night fight for any small scrap of sleep I could get and I am exhausted!
Thank you Lord for adreniline keeping us going.
For those of you counting down until I come back to Seattle, yes it is getting obscenely close. For those that are counting until the wedding (nominally the reason I am coming home) stop it Robin! You are not allowed to count anymore! Yes, you will beat me out of singlehood. But not yet, my friend. Not yet (insert evil laugh). For those counting down until I am done with Georgetown (my mother and father), my last final is May 7. After that, its good bye.
Happy and sad times. It will be happier when I have a certain job!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Kill as few patients and possible . . .
No, its not just a tagline. It is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time. For those of us looking at going in to medicine, and those struggling with being in it, it is a much needed reprieve from the seriousness of the entire endeavor. And quite wise, I must say as well. "Rule 28: Praise Nurses and Your Patients Will Live Forever or Die Happy." I know quite a few doctors who could learn that advice! The author is Oscar London.
The second thing I bought simultaneously led to this picture which may be a bit graphic for some of our viewers. Its my version of the "bathroom reader. "

By the way, anyone who comes to visit should do it right now. The weather is absolutely perfect, the trees are in bloom, and soon DC is going to hotter than hell! It appears I will be residing here for a while though, so don't worry too terribly about rushing around and getting the cheap East Coast trip in. You have a few more months at least, and I have finals soon!
The second thing I bought simultaneously led to this picture which may be a bit graphic for some of our viewers. Its my version of the "bathroom reader. "
By the way, anyone who comes to visit should do it right now. The weather is absolutely perfect, the trees are in bloom, and soon DC is going to hotter than hell! It appears I will be residing here for a while though, so don't worry too terribly about rushing around and getting the cheap East Coast trip in. You have a few more months at least, and I have finals soon!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Slacker, slacker
I took the weekend off to go to Hope's and visit. I also got the find the correct size of my birthday gift from my parents at REI out in Fair Oaks. They sent a small bike jacket which has the appropriate color description "Screaming Yellow." I love it and I am really looking forward to using it on these warmer days. Today it has continued the rainy and 50 degrees. Well, off to physics lab. Post pictures later.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Plastic for heat conduction or how Malia's accident prone
I made potatoes and I made a large blister at the same time. People will tell you plastic kitchen impliments are better since they don't conduct heat as quickly as metal. That is true. However is they are accidently left exposed to flame from the gas stove they conduct heat quite well, let me tell you! The big blister now on my right hand testifies to that. Ooops.
Biochem test tomorrow. Pray, ok? On the good new front I got an excellent (near the top of the class) grade on my Physics test. Pretty cool, huh?
Biochem test tomorrow. Pray, ok? On the good new front I got an excellent (near the top of the class) grade on my Physics test. Pretty cool, huh?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Big cups, big spills
I bought 4 green, plastic cups for only 2 dollars yesterday at an ill-fatedly long Target trip. I got suckered into the " I don't need it but it is such a good deal and I might need it" thinking and half the whole store in my cart before long. Luckily common sense asserted itself to a certain extent. The cups were so cheap and I have been wanting larger sized cup so I didn't have to keep getting up every few minutes to refill my water glass while studying.
Just a minute ago I remember the thing that goes along with the bigger cups: bigger spills.
It was supposed to be 65, windy, cloudy, and possibly rainy today. It turned out 76 and sunny and windy. What a lovely surprise.
Just a minute ago I remember the thing that goes along with the bigger cups: bigger spills.
It was supposed to be 65, windy, cloudy, and possibly rainy today. It turned out 76 and sunny and windy. What a lovely surprise.
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