Friday, May 14, 2010


As I got off the bus, I felt a plop straight on my hairline; the
forcasted storm materializing despite a cloudless sky less than a half
hour earlier. I love the rain, here and in Seattle. It cleans, the
air, the streets, my whirling thoughts. Might like the rainy periods
best here in DC, even over Seattle: the rain beats down on you here,
reaffirming that it takes some work to wash out all the dirt. I have
seen showerheads drop less water than the sky at certain points.

Much more likely to be sunny and raining here, a brilliant oxymoron.
The thunderstorms aren't quiet, gentle. They strike directly, bolts of
lightening slashing even an afternoon sky. Whatever you like or
dislike about DC metro, at least its difficulties aren't too hidden
most of the time. It's right up front. The people seem like the
weather: under the preppy dress suits and popped collars of
Georgetown, there is a sense of drama, even in the most reserved. If
you didn't like drama, you wouldn't like gossip and politics, and DC
loves both.

It's compellingly humid before the storm, which is why I smelled the
berry smell as I came off the bus and walked home. It smelled like
ripe blackberries. It's much too early in the season and they are
really difficult to find wild around here. Honestly can't think of any
I have seen. But the smell reminded me of days spent picking berries
at Kingston beach, five gallon bucket in hand, taking the ferry.
Always with aunt Janet, Bradley, Annarose, Merissa and Mom. Sometimes
Dad. Us kids rarely spent extended periods helping actually picking.
And picking was substantially impaired by our ability to eat as we

Brad and Merissa would dig deep holes in the sand. I would help.
Sometimes we would bury Brad or Meris and then was the inevitable
threat to leave them trapped, encased in sand as the tide came up. I
don't remember ever sitting still long enough, or digging my own hole
deep enough to get buried. In hindsight, it actually shows pretty good

I just happened to be remembering. I seem to be wondering and
remembering a lot lately. Still trying to piece together my own puzzle.

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