Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Getting started

Today seemed an auspicious day to start a blog. Today is the first day of school for me! Georgetown University's version of the quick and the ugly pre-med science year. All science, all the time.
I am trying, sometimes more successfully than others, to be excited about this next year. My organic chem prof posted advice from previous student of the class. One pithy commenter noted "Pray! If you don't believe in God, start." I am hoping that with an relatively good attention to detail I will be able to survive reasonably in these courses.
It is difficult. During summer the class was relatively small and access to the prof almost unlimited. Partially because the prof was good but also because the class was small enough that break times were free-for-alls of interaction, creating good basis of communication. This semester . . . well, we shall see!


Riah said...

Lee Lee,
If anyone can make it through the rigors of premed, it's you. I am so proud of you and so excited for what's to come in your life. I don't know how you do it. I can barely manage the one class, and you are living the students dream (...I mean... nightmare). :)

Pray hard, study hard and focus. The rest will come through the diligence of your hard work. I BELIEVE IN YOU!


Anna said...

Hooray for another blogger! I'm so excited for you :) about school, I mean, not blogging - although that's pretty exciting too...

Anonymous said...

You're going to kick some major Georgetown booty my friend. I have no doubt you'll get through this no problem! Sounds like you've got a handle on things and you're figuring out what you don't know as you go along.
