Sunday, November 9, 2008

Balancing being gone

I realized after my first paycheck that I really am not going to have enough leave accrued to be away for the holidays. Which is seriously annoying given that I want to be home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Luckily I am already set up to work for home and I got the ok from my boss and my client to work from home around Thanksgiving! So I will be in Seattle on Wednesday and Friday but still "at work". Which is great. By the time Christmas rolls around I will have enough time accrued to actually be in Seattle and not at work for the week.

Paster Earl Palmer, who was executive pastor at our church University Presbyterian in Seattle, has now become the preaching pastor in residence at National Presbyterian which is less than 2 miles from my house. It will be nice to have something familiar in worship. I have been feeling displaced on that level.

Amusingly, as some of you are aware, the assistant secretary of ICE (the head of the org.) who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the congress (or in this case, recess appointed) announced the day after the election that she was resigning from her post as of the 15th. Its amusing on many levels, but also because this will be the first time I get to view a "changing" party winds blow through my job life. Luckily my job is safe and my humor is intact because it looks to be an interesting period. Look for amusing updates that I can actually relate without breaking my non-disclosure agreement. The stories I can already tell are bad but unfortunately. . . probably not supposed to be shared either!

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