Thursday, May 1, 2008

Once again, a decision required. Can't I just choose chicken?

I have been trying rather unsuccessfully for months to sort out my future. Well that's all nonsense. I know one thing for certain in my future. I will go to medical school. I don't know which one, or where, but I will go. Do I really have to deal with everything else? I mean, really?

Today I got my last request for Georgetown recommendations done. I am hoping the review process will go adequately well. Frankly I am peeing my pants scared but still. One more thing needs to be ironed out really soon. Cross your fingers, pray, whatever you do, I will take the support in any form.

As for my future, it appears that I will be heading back to Seattle for the immediate future. While I love D.C. and am going to really miss my apartment, the lower cost of living will definitely increase my ability to pay for . . . well, anything! I am up for other adventures for sure and certain, but I needed to a place to chill for a little while. No, there is still no word on jobs. And that really freaks me out. But I will try and hit the ground running, all the same.

By Wednesday of next week, I will be done with Georgetown, at least the PBPM part.

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