Monday, February 28, 2011

I feel . . . sloshy

I feel that rolling boat feeling. Not the "stomach is going to empty" but the head/body feeling of boat rolling. But I am sitting upright in a chair at work. I started to get sick Saturday morning and by night I had a full blown sinus infection feeling. A little sudafed and I felt loads better. I even did some yoga with Merissa and Mari last night. However it didn't help me sleep. At all.

I am not sure if it was the CVS Nyquil knockoff or what. I was fighting sleep hard (that is just me for some reason) and then I couldn't sleep at all. Finally turned the light off for good at 2am. I tried at 11:15pm right after leaving a message for Mom, then she called me, but I was trying soooo hard to go to sleep so I let it ring through to voicemail. I should have just stayed up to chat. It would have been a better use of time. Even though the light was off, I didn't sleep. I finally got out of bed at 4:50am and started reading. Watching the sun. Might as well. Obviously not sleeping any time soon.

I feel fine. Honestly. When I cough I sound like a victim of TB or 30 year smoker, and the whole rolling boat feeling. But other than that . . .ok I should have stayed home. But I don't have a whole lot of sick days and government may go on furlough in which case I would have to take days off. . . excuses. Long story short (too late you say) I am playing typhoid Mary at work. Except work is definitely where I got this little sickness. So share and share alike.


Lisa said...

Oh man, I hate staying up all night. Do you remember when it used to be fun as a teen?

Typhoid Mary was a cook who carried typhoid permanently but didn't suffer from it, so at first she didn't realize she was infecting dozens of people. Later when she was told it seems she didn't believe the doctor, so she continued to work as a cook under a psuedonym! Finally she was stuck on some island sick-ward for the rest of her life.

Lia Adel said...

I know, and she was Irish too! I looked her up in college.

I have nothing on you for being up late/overnight. I do remember it being fun, even in college. Now I want my solid 6-10 hours (big range, I know).

Next time you are up late, call me! I just may be too.