Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I am sleepy but not asleep

For three nights in a row so far I haven't been able to sleep. Stuff
on my mind but nothing unusual. And much as my body is eager to slip
in slumber, I fight. Essentially I am a two year old trying to stay up
to play. Barbies in my case, since I was convinced my parents (and
occasionally Merissa) were staying up late playing Barbies
("forbidden" or just never requested; there is still some debate).

I decided on an additional resolution for this year.
3) I will not make competitors enemies, internally or externally
i) I will not reduce them mentally to characters, one-dimensional
ii) I will remember that competitor's successes and failures don't
always reflect on me especially if I am taking a different path

There is no metric for tracking progress and it relies completely on
my perception of success. This could totally suck when I tried to
round it up at the end of the year. Should be interesting to say the

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