Saturday, January 15, 2011

In honor of childhood seatbelt wearing

So Merissa was yelling at us all for wearing for not wearing a
seatbelt after dinner. But the one making warning go off? Merissa. So
we made her get out and run around the car three times. :)

Snow tubing with Merissa and Mari

Was fabulous. What a great way to spend a winter's day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So what if you rock like it Leisel Von Trapp, you still rock it

My confidence in choosing my own clothes is now based on that statement (at least a little). I think my style is (hopefully) J. Crew meets Anthropology (on a Marshall's budget). I just can't pull off trying to be Urban Outfitters, Abercrombie, or any variation had that has me in uncomfortable shoes or multi-patterned/shockingly bright clothing for too long.

I am sleepy but not asleep

For three nights in a row so far I haven't been able to sleep. Stuff
on my mind but nothing unusual. And much as my body is eager to slip
in slumber, I fight. Essentially I am a two year old trying to stay up
to play. Barbies in my case, since I was convinced my parents (and
occasionally Merissa) were staying up late playing Barbies
("forbidden" or just never requested; there is still some debate).

I decided on an additional resolution for this year.
3) I will not make competitors enemies, internally or externally
i) I will not reduce them mentally to characters, one-dimensional
ii) I will remember that competitor's successes and failures don't
always reflect on me especially if I am taking a different path

There is no metric for tracking progress and it relies completely on
my perception of success. This could totally suck when I tried to
round it up at the end of the year. Should be interesting to say the

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions and Life Round Up

So . . . I have not been super forthcoming to my blog readers. You've had to catch me in person to find the big news in my life: I have submitted some last minute (really last minute) applications to med schools. All East Coast schools (sorry, they had later deadlines!). I haven't wanted to talk about because I had the feeling like talking about it would jinx it. Plus I have a serious inferiority complex about med school and being an MD. I feel driven to be in the field but seriously less than everyone else who could (and does) apply each year. I haven't: worked in lab; inoculated children anywhere; received 3.7 GPA in the sciences. What I am hoping is that I would prove different enough, or at least interesting enough, to let into school.

My phrase for this season? Hail Mary (as in pass, from football?). I have said it so many times I am completely irritated with myself. I need to integrate some new sports terminology.

But I have gone further this year, inspite of the lateness. I have actually submitted secondary applications to two schools and am on track for two more, which I did not do the previous season. My chances are really small (I can't emphasize that enough). But for all the hedging I am doing I am still hopeful. Really hopeful. Completely NOT commensurate with my actual chances hopeful.

So my resolutions for this year, not surprisingly, have to do with med school and my job.

1) By January 1 next year I will be working in the medical field. Period. Either full or part time or in school working toward the same. End of story. I will be doing something that matters toward who I want to be and where I want to be. Everyone (myself included) will be happier when that happens.

2) By January 1 next year I will be either in medical school (totally off chance, but here's hoping) or completely done with secondary applications.
a) If I have to apply again next year, I will need to retake the MCAT (most schools won't take my score from tests more than 2 years old)

Needless to say, I need to get on the ball.