Sunday, December 27, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Flying home with the kitty

I am flying to Seattle on the 18th (Friday) to visit the family and see all my friends. This should be wonderful! I am so excited to have some time away from work (though I will miss somethings in DC). I promise to return to updating my blog with info and pictures as the new year rings in.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dumbarton Oaks 5

You know those magical European gardens you dream about? Frankly those
were always a let down to me. The "secret places" tucked away, shapes
evolving over years. They tended to be more prosaic and open, too
organized for any really magic to hide. Dumbarton Oaks garden started
to evolve in 1920ish. It was designed over many years by the same
female architect comissioned by the Bliss family (primarily the wife).
It wends it's way down the hill from the house, each section whole in
and of itself yet somehow contributing to the next, part of a whole.

Dumbarton Oaks 4

Dumbarton oaks part 3

Steve peering over the wall. Not sure why though!

Sunday at Dumbarton Oaks Part 2

Did I mention it was magical? Itwas magical.

Sunday trip to Dumbarton Oaks gardens pt1

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kitty eats

So the kitty has been a little bit not into the food. I have talked to
the doctor and we are shortly going to switch her dry prescription
food in hopes she likes it better AND stays healthy. In the mean time
I am bribing her with small additional tuna mixed into the food for
flavor. This morning I didn't have time to mix it so she sat talking
to me while I got ready. As I left I saw her eating last nights
leftovers rather than the morning's fresh offering. Silly kitty.

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Wifi "iron curtain"

There is a wifi network somewhere nearby that has thefantastic name of
"Iron Curtain." Could someone at the Russian embassy possibly have
that good of a sense of humor? That would make my day.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

New toys

Mischief's new toy.

New toys

Malia' new toy ... Er necklace

Hiding under your desk

Is it bad that I have the reoccuring urge to hide under my desk at work. I am not cut out for this job, despite the fact that most days I am apparently fairly good at it. The entire department works on fire to fire basis. We only work on the most urgent thing, never forward planning. For something to gather enough attention to merit work, it has to be blazing out of control and going badly.

Alright, I admit: I am in a bad mood today but I am not sure how to change the tides to better. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Video blog

For those who wanted more Malia. . . I just wish this was more
interesting. It's awkward watching yourself.

I figured out

Mei-mei plays more and better when I watch and the toy is in the
middle of the room. Yep. She is better when she is the center of
attention. Good to know!

Monday, August 3, 2009


There is a great deal to tossand turn over in my life at this moment.
And with the suitably oblique statement I will explain what I am
currently without: SLEEP. Despite being bleary eyed and heavy headed,
my mind and legs aren't getting that memo. I am anxious, for many
things, med school apps to name one. Yurhg. I just can't find that
happy moment of brain unengagement and physical comfort to rest. Pray.
Luckily I started this tossing and turning torment early so there
maybe some hours left when I finally call this day quits.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bus driver

If I am walking toward the bus stop on Walk light where you have a
green light, is it really big to hold for just one second for me to
cross the street rather than shake your head as though I am crazy? Now
I have to wait 30 minutes because you couldn't wait 10 seconds. Is it
any wonder Americans love their own card rather than public transit?

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